
4461 days ago by comphy

x*x*x sqrt(x) 
\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}{(x + 1)}^{7}
\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}{(x + 1)}^{7}
\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}x^{7} + 7 \, x^{6} + 21 \, x^{5} + 35 \, x^{4} + 35 \, x^{3} + 21 \, x^{2} + 7 \, x + 1
\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}x^{7} + 7 \, x^{6} + 21 \, x^{5} + 35 \, x^{4} + 35 \, x^{3} + 21 \, x^{2} + 7 \, x + 1
(x+1)^7 - (x-1)^7 
\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}-{(x - 1)}^{7} + {(x + 1)}^{7}
\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}-{(x - 1)}^{7} + {(x + 1)}^{7}
expand((x+1)^7 - (x-1)^7) 
\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}14 \, x^{6} + 70 \, x^{4} + 42 \, x^{2} + 2
\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}14 \, x^{6} + 70 \, x^{4} + 42 \, x^{2} + 2
G = plot(cos, -5, 5, thickness=5, rgbcolor=(0.5,1,0.5)) P = polygon([[1,2], [5,6], [5,0]], rgbcolor=(1,0,0)) P # show it 


circle((1,1), 1) + plot(x^2, (0,5)) 


show(circle((1,1), 1) + plot(x^2, (0,5)), aspect_ratio=1) 


show(circle((1,1), 1) + plot(x^2, (0,5)), aspect_ratio=2) 


show(circle((1,1), 1) + plot(x^2, (0,5)), figsize=[8,4]) 


Q = polygon([(-x,y) for x,y in P[0]], rgbcolor=(0,0,1)) Q # show it 


H = G + P + Q print H 
Graphics object consisting of 3 graphics primitives
Graphics object consisting of 3 graphics primitives
L = [[cos(pi*i/100)^3,sin(pi*i/100)] for i in range(200)] p = line(L, rgbcolor=(1/4,1/8,3/4)) t = text('A Bulb', (1.5, 0.25)) x = text('x axis', (1.5,-0.2)) y = text('y axis', (0.4,0.9)) g = p+t+x+y, xmax=2, ymin=-1, ymax=1) 


i = CDF.0 # define i this way for maximum speed. p1 = plot(lambda t: arg(zeta(0.5+t*i)), 1,27,rgbcolor=(0.8,0,0)) p2 = plot(lambda t: abs(zeta(0.5+t*i)), 1,27,rgbcolor=hue(0.7)) print p1 + p2 
Graphics object consisting of 2 graphics primitives
Graphics object consisting of 2 graphics primitives
p1 + p2 # display it 


show(sum(circle((i,0), i, hue=sin(i/10)) for i in [10,9.9,..,0]), aspect_ratio=1) 


g = Graphics() for i in range(60): p = polygon([(i*cos(i),i*sin(i)), (0,i), (i,0)],\ rgbcolor=hue(i/40+0.4), alpha=0.2) g = g + p, axes=False) 


x = var('x') P = plot(sin(x)/x, -4,4, rgbcolor=(0,0,1)) + \ plot(x*cos(x), -4,4, rgbcolor=(1,0,0)) + \ plot(tan(x),-4,4,rgbcolor=(0,1,0)),ymax=pi) 


y(x) = x*sin(x^2) v = [(x, y(x)) for x in [-3,-2.95,..,3]] show(points(v, rgbcolor=(0.2,0.6, 0.1), pointsize=30) + plot(spline(v), -3.1, 3)) 


x = var('x') g1 = plot(cos(20*x)*exp(-2*x), 0, 1) g2 = plot(2*exp(-30*x) - exp(-3*x), 0, 1) show(graphics_array([g1, g2], 2, 1), xmin=0) 
Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)
TypeError: no canonical coercion from <type 'str'> to Callable
function ring with arguments (x,)
Traceback (most recent call last):    show(graphics_array([g1, g2], 2, 1), xmin=0)
  File "expression.pyx", line 2854, in sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.__call__ (sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:14148)
  File "/home/sage/sage_install/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/symbolic/", line 448, in _call_element_
    return SR(_the_element.substitute(**d))
  File "expression.pyx", line 2702, in sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.substitute (sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:13504)
  File "expression.pyx", line 1496, in sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.coerce_in (sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:9538)
  File "parent_old.pyx", line 331, in sage.structure.parent_old.Parent._coerce_ (sage/structure/parent_old.c:4632)
  File "parent.pyx", line 429, in sage.structure.parent.Parent.coerce (sage/structure/parent.c:4765)
TypeError: no canonical coercion from <type 'str'> to Callable function ring with arguments (x,)
g1 = plot(sin(x), 0, 2*pi) g2 = plot(cos(x), 0, 2*pi, linestyle = "--") g1 + g2 # show their sum 


f = (x-3)*(x-5)*(x-7)+40 P = line([(2,0),(2,f(2))], rgbcolor=(0,0,0)) P += line([(8,0),(8,f(8))], rgbcolor=(0,0,0)) P += polygon([(2,0),(2,f(2))] + [(x, f(x)) for x in [2,2.1,..,8]] + [(8,0),(2,0)], rgbcolor=(0.8,0.8,0.8)) P += text("$\\int_{a}^b f(x) dx$", (5, 20), fontsize=16, rgbcolor=(0,0,0)) P += plot(f, 1, 8.5, thickness=3) P # show the result 
Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)
TypeError: 'sage.rings.real_mpfr.RealNumber' object is not callable
Traceback (most recent call last):    P    # show the result
  File "", line 1, in <module>
  File "/tmp/tmpXGLocD/", line 4, in <module>
    P = line([(_sage_const_2 ,_sage_const_0 ),(_sage_const_2 ,f(_sage_const_2 ))], rgbcolor=(_sage_const_0 ,_sage_const_0 ,_sage_const_0 ))
TypeError: 'sage.rings.real_mpfr.RealNumber' object is not callable
from pylab import * t = arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.01) s = sin(2*pi*t) P = plot(t, s, linewidth=1.0) xl = xlabel('time (s)') yl = ylabel('voltage (mV)') t = title('About as simple as it gets, folks') grid(True) savefig('sage.png') 
p = plot(sin(x), (x, 0,2*pi)) Q = loads(dumps(p)) 
f(x) = sin(x) g(x) = sin(2*x) h(x) = sin(4*x) p1 = plot(f,-2*pi,2*pi,rgbcolor=hue(0.5)) p2 = plot(g,-2*pi,2*pi,rgbcolor=hue(0.9)) p3 = parametric_plot((f,g),0,2*pi,rgbcolor=hue(0.6)) p4 = parametric_plot((f,h),0,2*pi,rgbcolor=hue(1.0)) 
: DeprecationWarning: variable ranges to parametric_plot must be given
as tuples, like (2,4) or (t,2,3)
: DeprecationWarning: variable ranges to parametric_plot must be given
as tuples, like (2,4) or (t,2,3)
/usr/local/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/ DeprecationWarning: variable ranges to parametric_plot must be given as tuples, like (2,4) or (t,2,3)
/usr/local/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/ DeprecationWarning: variable ranges to parametric_plot must be given as tuples, like (2,4) or (t,2,3)
\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}\hbox{Graphics Array of size 2 x 2}
\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}\hbox{Graphics Array of size 2 x 2}
Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)
NameError: name 'ga' is not defined
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 9, in <module>
    open("","w").write("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n" + _support_.preparse_worksheet_cell(base64.b64decode("Z2Euc2hvdygp"),globals())+"\n"); execfile(os.path.abspath(""))
  File "", line 1, in <module>
  File "/tmp/tmpsNLhbp/", line 2, in <module>
  File "", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'ga' is not defined 
\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}x \ {\mapsto}\ \sin\left(2 \, x\right)
\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}x \ {\mapsto}\ \sin\left(2 \, x\right)
t = var('t') parametric_plot( (sin(t), sin(2*t)), 0, 2*pi, rgbcolor=hue(0.6) ) parametric_plot((1, t), 0, 4) parametric_plot((t, t^2), -4, 4) 


t = var('t') parametric_plot( (sin(t), sin(2*t)), 0, 2*pi, rgbcolor=hue(0.6) ) parametric_plot((1, t), 0, 4) parametric_plot((t, t^2), -4, 4) 


p = plot(x^2, (-0.5, 1.4)) + line([(0,0), (1,1)], rgbcolor='green') p += line([(0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5^2)], rgbcolor='purple') p += point(((0, 0), (0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5^2), (1, 1)), rgbcolor='red', pointsize=20) p += text('A', (-0.05, 0.1), rgbcolor='red') p += text('B', (1.01, 1.1), rgbcolor='red') p += text('C', (0.48, 0.57), rgbcolor='red') p += text('D', (0.53, 0.18), rgbcolor='red'), xmin=-0.5, xmax=1.4, ymin=0, ymax=2) 


def h1(x): return abs(sqrt(x^3 - 1)) def h2(x): return -abs(sqrt(x^3 - 1)) P = plot([h1, h2], 1,4) P # show the result 


polar_plot(sin(5*x)^2, 0, 2*pi, rgbcolor=hue(0.6)) 


polar_plot(abs(sqrt(1 - sin(x)^2)), 0, 2*pi, rgbcolor=hue(1.0)) 


polar_plot(2 + 2*cos(x), 0, 2*pi, rgbcolor=hue(0.3)) 


['#ff0000', '#ffda00', '#48ff00', '#00ff91', '#0091ff', '#4800ff', '#ff00da'] 
[(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.8571428571428571, 0.0), (0.28571428571428581, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.57142857142857162), (0.0, 0.57142857142857162, 1.0), (0.28571428571428559, 0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.85714285714285676)] 
a = animate([circle((i,i), 1-1/(i+1), hue=i/10) for i in srange(0,2,0.2)], xmin=0,ymin=0,xmax=2,ymax=2,figsize=[2,2]) # optional -- requires convert command 
a = animate([sin(x + float(k)) for k in srange(0,2*pi,0.3)], xmin=0, xmax=2*pi, figsize=[2,1]) a 
\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}\hbox{Animation with 21 frames}
\newcommand{\Bold}[1]{\mathbf{#1}}\hbox{Animation with 21 frames}
                        # optional -- requires convert command a[:5].show() # optional , iterations=4) # optional 
step = 0.1 L = Graphics() v = [] for i in srange(0,1,step): L += line([(i,i^2),(i+step,(i+step)^2)], rgbcolor=(1,0,0), 
Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 9, in <module>
    open("","w").write("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n" + _support_.preparse_worksheet_cell(base64.b64decode("c3RlcCA9IDAuMQpMID0gR3JhcGhpY3MoKQp2ID0gW10KZm9yIGkgaW4gc3JhbmdlKDAsMSxzdGVwKToKICAgICAgIEwgKz0gbGluZShbKGksaV4yKSwoaStzdGVwLChpK3N0ZXApXjIpXSwgcmdiY29sb3I9KDEsMCwwKSw="),globals())+"\n"); execfile(os.path.abspath(""))
  File "", line 1, in <module>
  File "/tmp/tmpoErQBt/", line 8
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
a = animate(v, xmin=0, ymin=0) # optional -- requires convert command show(L) 
Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)
NameError: name 'v' is not defined
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 9, in <module>
    open("","w").write("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n" + _support_.preparse_worksheet_cell(base64.b64decode("YSA9IGFuaW1hdGUodiwgeG1pbj0wLCB5bWluPTApCmEuc2hvdygpICMgb3B0aW9uYWwgLS0gcmVxdWlyZXMgY29udmVydCBjb21tYW5kCnNob3coTCk="),globals())+"\n"); execfile(os.path.abspath(""))
  File "", line 1, in <module>
  File "/tmp/tmp2H_qBK/", line 3, in <module>
    a = animate(v, xmin=_sage_const_0 , ymin=_sage_const_0 )
NameError: name 'v' is not defined
a = animate([sin(x + float(k)) for k in srange(0,2*pi,0.7)], xmin=0, xmax=2*pi, figsize=[2,1]) a.gif() # optional -- requires convert command a.gif(delay=35, iterations=3) # optional a.gif(savefile='my_animation.gif') # optional a.gif(savefile='my_animation.gif', show_path=True) # optional 
Animation saved to file /tmp/tmpukLdnq/my_animation.gif.
Animation saved to file /tmp/tmpukLdnq/my_animation.gif.

E = EllipticCurve('37a') v = [E.change_ring(GF(p)).plot(pointsize=30) for p in [97, 101, 103, 107]] a = animate(v, xmin=0, ymin=0) # optional -- requires convert com 
t = Tachyon(xres=500,yres=500, camera_center=(2,0,0)) t.light((4,3,2), 0.2, (1,1,1)) t.texture('t2', ambient=0.1, diffuse=0.9, specular=0.5, opacity=1.0, color=(1,0,0)) t.texture('t3', ambient=0.1, diffuse=0.9, specular=0.5, opacity=1.0, color=(0,1,0)) t.texture('t4', ambient=0.1, diffuse=0.9, specular=0.5, opacity=1.0, color=(0,0,1)) t.sphere((0,0.5,0), 0.2, 't2') t.sphere((0.5,0,0), 0.2, 't3') t.sphere((0,0,0.5), 0.2, 't4') 
gnuplot.plot3d_parametric('v^2*sin(u), v*cos(u), v*(1-v)') # optional -- requires gnuplot (not tested, since something pops up). 
/usr/local/sage/local/bin/sage-native-execute: 8: gnuplot: not found
/usr/local/sage/local/bin/sage-native-execute: 8: gnuplot: not found
maxima.plot3d ("2^(-u^2 + v^2)", "[u, -3, 3]", "[v, -2, 2]",\ '[plot_format, openmath]') # not tested maxima.plot3d("atan(-x^2 + y^3/4)", "[x, -4, 4]", "[y, -4, 4]",\ "[grid, 50, 50]",'[plot_format, openmath]') # not tested 
Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)
To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 9, in <module>
    open("","w").write("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n" + _support_.preparse_worksheet_cell(base64.b64decode("bWF4aW1hLnBsb3QzZCAoIjJeKC11XjIgKyB2XjIpIiwgIlt1LCAtMywgM10iLCAiW3YsIC0yLCAyXSIsXAogICAnW3Bsb3RfZm9ybWF0LCBvcGVubWF0aF0nKSAjIG5vdCB0ZXN0ZWQKbWF4aW1hLnBsb3QzZCgiYXRhbigteF4yICsgeV4zLzQpIiwgIlt4LCAtNCwgNF0iLCAiW3ksIC00LCA0XSIsXAogICAiW2dyaWQsIDUwLCA1MF0iLCdbcGxvdF9mb3JtYXQsIG9wZW5tYXRoXScpICMgbm90IHRlc3RlZA=="),globals())+"\n"); execfile(os.path.abspath(""))
  File "", line 1, in <module>
  File "/tmp/tmprifArc/", line 3, in <module>
    '[plot_format, openmath]') # not tested
  File "/usr/local/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/interfaces/", line 1381, in plot3d
    self('plot3d(%s)'%(','.join([str(x) for x in args])))
  File "/usr/local/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/interfaces/", line 1032, in __call__
    return cls(self, x, name=name)
  File "/usr/local/sage/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sage/interfaces/", line 1451, in __init__
    raise TypeError, x
TypeError: Error executing code in Maxima
	sage0 : plot3d(2^(-u^2 + v^2),[u, -3, 3],[v, -2, 2],[plot_format, openmath])$
Maxima ERROR:
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

 Filesystem error with pathname "/sagenb/sagenbws/maxout.xmaxima".
 1) the file does not exist, or
 2) we are not allow to access the file, or
 3) the pathname points to a broken symbolic link.

Automatically continuing.
To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
maxima.plot3d("[cos(x)*(3 + y*cos(x/2)), sin(x)*(3 + y*cos(x/2)),\ y*sin(x/2)]", "[x, -4, 4]", "[y, -4, 4]",\ '[plot_format, openmath]') # not tested 
Traceback (click to the left of this block for traceback)
SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 9, in <module>
    open("","w").write("# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n" + _support_.preparse_worksheet_cell(base64.b64decode("bWF4aW1hLnBsb3QzZCgiW2Nvcyh4KSooMyArIHkqY29zKHgvMikpLCBzaW4oeCkqKDMgKyB5KmNvcyh4LzIpKSxcCiAgIHkqc2luKHgvMildIiwgIlt4LCAtNCwgNF0iLCAiW3ksIC00LCA0XSIsXAogICAnW3Bsb3RfZm9ybWF0LCBvcGVubWF0aF0nKSAjIG5vdCB0ZXN0ZWQ="),globals())+"\n"); execfile(os.path.abspath(""))
  File "", line 1, in <module>
  File "/tmp/tmpagQzSj/", line 2, in <module>
    maxima.plot3d("[cos(x)*(3 + y*cos(x/2)), sin(x)*(3 + y*cos(x/2)),\\u000a   y*sin(x/2)]", "[x, -4, 4]", "[y, -4, 4]",\\u000a   \u0027[plot_format, openmath]\u0027) # not tested
  File "", line 1
    maxima.plot3d("[cos(x)*(3 + y*cos(x/2)), sin(x)*(3 + y*cos(x/2)),\\u000a   y*sin(x/2)]", "[x, -4, 4]", "[y, -4, 4]",\\u000a   '[plot_format, openmath]') # not tested
SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character
x, y = var('x y') W = plot3d(sin(pi*((x)^2+(y)^2))/2,(x,-1,1),(y,-1,1), frame=False, color='purple', opacity=0.8) S = sphere((0,0,0),size=0.3, color='red', aspect_ratio=[1,1,1]) show(W + S, figsize=8)